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Start your business, build your future.

Start-up Visa Program


We are a law firm here in Canada to help with your immigration and visas.

Track Record

We have lots of successful cases like yours.


Our team work with you around the clock.


Our knowledge helps you get approved legally.

The Start-up Visa Program is helping entrepreneurs by providing them with the opportunity to establish their innovative businesses in Canada, which leads to job creation and fosters economic growth.

What is the Start-up Visa Program

The Start-up Visa Program is a Canadian immigration program that allows immigrant entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas to move to Canada, provided they secure support from a designated entity such as an approved venture capital fund, angel investor group, or business incubator.

How Does it Help?

The Start-up Visa Program helps by attracting innovative entrepreneurs from around the world, stimulating economic growth, and creating new jobs in Canada by allowing these entrepreneurs to establish and grow their businesses within the country.

How to Obtain Start-up Visa

To obtain a start-up visa, you first need to have a qualifying business idea which is then supported by one or more of the designated organizations (venture capital funds, angel investor groups, or business incubators). You also need to meet certain requirements related to language proficiency and funds availability. The process involves applying and getting your idea approved by one of these entities, after which you can apply for the visa. This complex process becomes seamless when you use our services. Our team will guide you through every stage – from fine-tuning your business plan, connecting with the right designated organization to finally preparing and submitting your application for the visa. We aim to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality by easing your Canadian immigration journey.

See how the Start-up Visa Program Can Help You:

Our Process



We start by understanding your specific immigration needs, goals, and circumstances during a thorough initial consultation.


Strategy Development

With the information you provide, we construct a tailored legal strategy for your unique immigration case.


Documentation and Processing

We meticulously prepare and handle all required documentation, submissions, and legal processing to ensure nothing gets overlooked.


Resolution and Follow-Up

We see your case through to resolution, providing updates and ongoing support throughout the entire immigration process to keep you informed every step of the way.