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Holiday Working Visa


We are a law firm here in Canada to help with your immigration and visas.

Track Record

We have lots of successful cases like yours.


Our team works with you around the clock.


Our knowledge helps you get approved legally.

A working holiday visa has helped people by providing them the unique opportunity to travel and work in Canada, enabling cultural exchange, professional growth, and life-changing experiences.

What is a Holiday Working Visa?

A working holiday visa, also often referred to as the International Experience Canada (IEC) program in Canada, is a type of work permit that allows eligible young people from participating countries to legally live and work in Canada for up to two years while enjoying a holiday or extended stay.

How Does it Help?

A working holiday visa helps by allowing individuals the flexibility to work and travel in Canada, providing the opportunity for cultural exchange, enhancing job skills, earning money, and experiencing life in a different country.

How to use the Express Entry System

To obtain a working holiday visa, you typically need to meet criteria such as age limits, have a valid passport from a participating country, possess enough funds for your stay, and not be accompanied by dependents. The application process involves creating an online profile and entering a pool of candidates from which successful applicants are selected randomly or on first-come-first served basis. This can be complicated and overwhelming. By engaging our services, we will guide you through every step of this process, ensuring all necessary documents are properly prepared and submitted on time. Our team’s experience can save you time and stress, securing your opportunity for an unforgettable Canadian adventure.

See How a Holiday Working Visa Can Help You:

Our Process



We start by understanding your specific immigration needs, goals, and circumstances during a thorough initial consultation.


Strategy Development

With the information you provide, we construct a tailored legal strategy for your unique immigration case.


Documentation and Processing

We meticulously prepare and handle all required documentation, submissions, and legal processing to ensure nothing gets overlooked.


Resolution and Follow-Up

We see your case through to resolution, providing updates and ongoing support throughout the entire immigration process to keep you informed every step of the way.